July 25, 2015

Where Is Your Confidence? I talk about certain emotions that want to take me out in this video. Posted by Theresa Croft on Saturday, July 25, 2015  

Cling To The Vine

What did HE say to you today. He told me to cling to the Vine!
He is speaking to you and would love to remind you that you don't have your emotions rule you out from experiencing your purpose in life. Your destiny is huge. But don't freak out amidst the process.
Certain things may feel undone in your heart, or even in your life right now. Sometimes God allows certain situations to happen where we have to rely on His Spirit to make sense of the madness or even confusion. Consider this: The trial you may be enduring is producing in you greatness as you move in His wisdom. Out of the fire comes a pure vessel. I know I like to have all "my ducks in a row". But I'm learning to hide in that secret place, in the Vine, to hear His tender voice. I am joined to Him. So cling to the Vine Tee! So cling friend! You are that messenger. You have the very extraordinary answer inside for someone who is crying, out who needs hope, deliverance, and yes, even salvation. Try this. Attach His faith to your pressing need or situation. Watch God move in and help you see the circumstance with spiritual eyes. Your natural, stamped with His super makes any situation supernatural.
God gave me another declaration to speak over myself and to pray over you.
Declaration:  You do not have to be ruled by your emotions.Get a pen...write this down: "I do not have to be ruled by my emotions."
Now listen to the Vinedresser:
"Dear child I see your nerves become unraveled as your emotions want to take you down. You don't belong in the dirt to be trampled on or cast aside.  Hide under my shade, in the secret place of my Presence. Cling to Me. Better yet, allow Me to hold you tight today. My very branches of the Vine are holding you, wrapping around your mind and heart."Some of the branches have the very ointment to heal the shattered parts of your heart while others lovingly hold you with the tender, compassionate love of a mother, or the gentle, and strong embrace of a patient father. I lavishly pour love  through your heart to help you release your grip on all that you think will bring the answer. I am the answer child. I am hear to breath new revelation so you can attach your faith to Me and watch breakthroughs be the norm. You are the breakthrough.  You are mine. You can trust Me in the Vine."
Love the Vinedresser
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