May 13, 2015

In The Vine:  Don't Freak Out Amidst The Mess

Do you ever go over your journals and read again some struggles you were having? I've been doing this the past few days and finding all sorts of treasures. I forgot that I used to write to deal with my emotions after loosing my dad. It was so fun to read these to my 17 year old daughter decades later and here here opinion.  "Ah mom! So much sadness, so much pain." BUT...He brings so much out of the process! So this is a short word for you. Don't freak out amidst the process. He celebrates your every step. Your birth into walking according to His way, in the Vine, might be messy at times. But He celebrates you amidst your mess, just as parents celebrate the birth of their new baby! I thought you might like this journal entry that become a blog post for my company, The Kingdom Messenger Network. Click here to read it now. Sometimes amidst your assignment, your calling, your dream, you get bogged down. It might be in relationships, or a marriage, or a financial struggle. It might seem like NOTHING is going your way or you feel trapped in some mode of operation. Don't stay stuck. Break free. Believe that God has called you and set you apart for HIS purpose, His design. He's called you to abide in Him, rest, and yes... Walk in THE VINE, in the "sweet spot" of your destiny. Get a pen and paper out and note the 4 keys to help you do just that in the video on this page! In the Vine, Theresa