November 20, 2019

How To Cancel Your Agreement With Fear-Podcast #91

I received this word on how to cancel your agreement to fear in a loud voice this past summer. I was away from home for two weeks. Excited to spend time with my mom and also excited to see if during this time the Lord might drop something new in my spirit.  I was there also for a funeral so getting to see family was a plus. I remember thinking this would be a good time, slower and a different schedule, to really lean into what Holy spirit might want to drop into my spirit for wisdom or revelation. I went through those two weeks and heard nothing. If anything, a few things rattled my emotions which surprised me. I came to the day to leave and still had heard nothing. On the way to the airport we stopped at one of my mom’s friend’s home. She has been a dear friend to my mom and at times has spoken major wisdom into my heart. I have had a definite Titus 2:3-5 type of relationship with this dear woman of God: "Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God… These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God…." As we embraced upon my leaving to the airport, she whispered, “There is joy in the wine.” With God speaking to me about the house of Wine from Song of Song 2:4, I knew this was a caveat dropped into my spirit to ask Him to reveal more. It hit me hard though. I wondered where some of my joy had gone. Later as I got situated for my five hour flight trying to decide if i wanted to read or listen to podcasts…which I eventually did both…Half way home I heard it. Loudly. Theresa..You need to get in agreement with heaven…and you KNOW what that means. I said yes Lord…that means get in agreement with those nearest to me and that is my husband… So I’ve spent many months since then walking day in and day out asking God to help me walk in this alignment, this agreement. For me personally, that means I need to learn how to walk in ways of respect with my husband in the day in an day out occurrences. This can look like something in a myriad of ways. One area in regards to my media word is I’m now quick to ask his ideas, whether in business or creativity. If I have a proposition from a stranger for media work, I’m quick to read the email and ask for Dave’s advice… I have not always walked in such agreement in the past. Often I was found working in deception to my work, afraid of a negative comment. But the joy of now him being my partner in the Kingdom Mentor Academy is one beautiful turn around, especially when he sits down with our members and drops wisdom bombs of encouragement and hope. This idea of being in agreement with heaven came in a new form the other day as I was praying for a client before their upper level mentoring session. God showed me this.. Sometimes we can get in agreement with the wrong things. Such as…anxiety, fear, depression, procrastination…comparison. It’s like we sit down with it…pour the hot water for tea or go to St. Arbucks to have coffee with these thoughts. We start to move in agreement in our minds…and start speaking in agreement to very things that stop us from going forward or thwart our very identity in Christ. It’s like we think constantly…”I’m so anxious…I feel anxious …I’m worried about that…. Over and over day in and day out we are getting up to the same agreement of what is opposite to our true identity. Anxiety is not your identity friend. Fear is not your identity. Comparing yourself and not feeling enough is not your identity! What do you do? When I realized this was applying to me, I went a day verbally muttering….or shouting if outside..I cancel that agreement to....... Then I realized it’s not only about canceling the thought but also there needs to be an action. New identity creates new activity. God showed me I needed to get to the root of that agreement….dig it up…expose it to HIS LIGHT and replace first with the soil of His Word. Yes, you cover up the dug-out root with the blood of Jesus…His work on the cross was once and for all….for you…for me… Then you move some soil in your heart from HIS Word to cover it….The deeper the hole the same amount of His Promises can replace the empty spot. I just happened to be in book of Colossians during this time. So I hang out with Holy Spirit there and see the soil of His Word that I put into action for agreement with by declaring His thoughts for me... “Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:2‬ ‭TPT‬‬ So instead of having dinner with fear I’m going to go to a feast with treasures of wisdom, peace…all the good stuff in the heavenly realm to fill my thoughts…to get in agreement with a heaven reality which is now…. I will cancel my agreement with the distractions that try to fill my mind in the natural realm. I am a spirit being having a human experience. But I am crucified with Christ…it’s no longer I who live but Christ in me and the life I live in the flesh (with all it’s distractions, and effort to agree with the negatives) I live BY FAITH OF THE Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Galations 2:20 I’m still in Colossians remember.. Check this one out... “Let your heart be always guided by the peace of the Anointed One, who called you to peace as part of his one body. And always be thankful. Let the word of Christ live in you richly, flooding you with all wisdom.. "Apply the Scriptures as you teach and instruct one another with the Psalms, and with festive praises, and with prophetic songs given to you spontaneously by the Spirit, so sing to God with all your hearts! "Let every activity of your lives and every word that comes from your lips be drenched with the beauty of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. And bring your constant praise to God the Father because of what Christ has done for you!” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:15-17‬ ‭TPT‬‬ That sounds like an agreement party. You can get in agreement with heaven and every activity brings words from your mouth in praise and thanksgiving, drenched with the truth of you identity in Him. One more thing…as you go through out the day you may get a thought that is pulling you to make an agreement with the enemy. Think on this. When God speaks, it aligns with His very nature. So if that thought does not have righteousness, peace and joy….Then stop the thought before your mind wants to get in agreement with it. YOU SAY. " family is always filled with people that worry so this is just something I have to deal with cause it’s in my family genetics…" No. Cancel that. You are a child of God. You get to replace your identity with who you think you are in a family sense to the family of God. So get in agreement with the truth that you are HIS much loved daughter, His much loved son. You get to enter the House of Wine daily and take the rags of the world off and be robed with His presence…and sweet fragrance from His HOUSE… Listen to the Vinedresser: From the House of Wine..Word: “You are not stuck. Your lips do not have to be so attached to pain and shame that you cannot speak. It is time to release the brilliance I have deposited in your very DNA. “Listen child. Lean into my embrace of grace. I have left the door wide open for you so you may boldly enter in to My House, the House of Wine. "This is the place, inside the Vineyard of your heart, where I pour the bountiful wine of my Love into your open glass. Drink child. Drink and be refreshed by My magnificent and precious promises which are yes and amen. This wine satisfies every ache of your soul as you drink in My unrelenting love divine. “In my House of Wine, performance is left outside the door. Here I wrap you with a royal robe that has a more refreshing scent than clothes from your dryer with a double dose of a liquid fabric softner. You are clothed with the warmth of My Presence and engulfed with a peace so deep. “You may visit often my beloved and drink. What you will discover is an endless supply of this exotic wine to serve others as it overflows out of you. THERESA M CROFT. Secrets To Unlock Your Voice (Kindle Locations 273-281). So I encourage you friend. Get in agreement with heaven's party over you! Check out the complete word in my podcast on I-Tunes, Stitcher or Spotify. In the the House of Wine, Theresa PS Coming up for Black Friday into Cyber Monday a reduced price to get into the Kingdom Mentor Academy with The Redeem Your Voice Camp. Click here now to be on the waiting list and receive a free booklet on 7 Keys To Find Your Voice.