November 6, 2015


Breakthrough Thoughts

His greatest breakthrough for you is closer than you think. You may be inches a way and shrink away? Sometimes the enemy kicks his heels to stir up some dust so we won't see what's in front of us. Dig deep. Hold on. Someone else's greatest breakthrough is on the other end, not to mention your own! Or, when you find what you thought was most dear to you is lost, you often find what is most dear to you. Jesus! This is the key. You can rely on the Holy Spirit, not your emotions, to step away from fear into faith (trust and belief). These are some breakthrough thoughts for you as I sit here listening to some great worship music while my husband sits next to me praying and reading. Do you know how much the Father takes such great pleasure in you, as you cling to Him amidst the battles and squeamish messes in you walk as His Messenger? I encourage you to look with eyes of your heart, your spirit, as you see what seems like dead ends on your journey of faith. The let downs are often the weights that are used by God to build your muscles in faith, hope, and yes, love.  Never stop believing God’s promises over your life. Continue to speak declarations of what He says about you. What seems as impossible could simply be resistance from the enemy. Declaration:  I will listen to God, who can call those things that are not as though they are. I will walk in faith in Him no matter how far the breakthrough seems. His promises are yes and amen! Listen to the Vinedresser: "Beloved, never stop believing My promises over your life. Even if it looks like all odds are against you, tenaciously hang on to My "yes" which I proclaim over you. I can call into being things that don't even exist yet. Look with eyes of faith My child. When you see a problem, look with your spirit eyes. Do you see My Hand? I am paving new ground for my promises to bloom and producing fruit of provision. In the midst of the pressure of the process you are becoming a warrior, a carrier of My presence. "The fruit of your obedience is beginning to bloom. "In the midst of the battles, come away often and sit in My Vineyard. Gaze into My loving eyes. Be embraced by My Presence. I will not waver in My devotion and care for you. In this deep quiet place, I can stir your faith and remind you how I see you. I can teach you how to walk by My Spirit and be familiar with my Voice. "Your faith in My Son imparts My righteousness to you. With this comes the knowing in your heart that I see you flawless, all because of the finished work of The Anointed One, Jesus. So rest my child, and enjoy true and lasting peace in my garden. I am thrilled to lavish My marvelous kindness on you in this abiding place. "As you experience My Glory, get ready for incredible joy to burst forth in your innermost being. As I celebrate you, beloved, and not merely tolerate you, you can keep on walking in hope as you experience more territory of my love. Do you see it? Look with the eyes of your heart. No need to strive for all of this My beloved. Simply Abide... in the Vine." Love the Vinedresser From Upcoming Devotional: "Listen To The Vinedresser: 31 Declarations Of Who You Are In The Vine" We are praying for you! Be found...clinging to Him. In The Vine, Theresa