May 5, 2018

Breakthroughs. I have witnessed some major ones in my small circle of trusted friends lately and in my Kingdom Mentor Community. I cannot put in words here (or to them) how excited and thrilled I get when I see their breakthrough after months or even years of praying for them. I asked Dave why this was….. He said, "Celebrating and rejoicing over other peoples breakthroughs comes with the breaker anointing." So what about you? Are you waiting for your breakthrough? It might be in your finances, with your health, or maybe in a relationship…marriage. You know my saying…”My breakthrough is your breakthrough.” So, in mentioning Dave’s quote, can I share a marriage breakthrough? My heart’s desire is to give you hope in your relationship. I am sorry if this is a tender and painful area. I know what if feels when hopelessness or depression can set it. But I believe there is hope. Let me extend my faith as I speak to you here. I wrote about my side of the struggles we had the first 13 years of being married in a blog post…and included it in the last Chapter of Volume 2 of the Devotional Listen To The Vinedresser: I wrote… "So, I step out here to share with you in this devotional. I know this is one thing He has called me to do. It comes with the breaker anointing He placed on my marriage and my family. You break off the weights of failure to be able to lift others, by speaking Kingdom life and sharing the Father’s heart. "My breakthrough is your breakthrough friend! One thing is for sure…. We each have our own story to tell. I will simply share mine with hopes you can get off the emotional ledge and find a more secure place to stand, in hope, faith, and love. "Let me hit the low points where I have been found in many years of being married. The major factor? I was living in the trenches of my own making. The battle was in one word: FEAR! "This kept me locked in a prison with the keys to be free but I didn’t use them. "I was a walking facade. Walking in deception of who I was and who God made me to be. "I was afraid I’d be found out and ridiculed. I could readily put up an appearance of normal, but abnormal was stuck on the inside as anxiety sucked away my stamina and strength. "I dealt with oppression that became depression. Even though my husband was an amazingly skilled in everything from construction to drywall to landscaping, I faced a debt monster that could never be satisfied. "Confrontation sent me to a deserted island to take part in a beach pity party with me drinking the alcohol of irresponsibility and eating the sour grapes of anguish. "My goal became disconnection and avoidance which lead to judgement. Dysfunction became a sick normal, stuck like a piece of gum on the bottom of my shoe. "This final reality broke my heart and made me realize I had to ask God to help me. My husband and my two children did not really know me……" Theresa M. Croft. Listen To The Vinedresser (Kindle Locations 1477-1481). Yes, there was a process of getting back on the same page in our marriage. But I’d like to end with a breaker anointing message from my husband that he wrote about in taking care of a wife. I share this not to say…”Look at me and my wonderful husband”. I share this to say..Have hope. God is all about breakthrough and what concerns you concerns HIM! Strength of Her "We see a lady endure the brink of death at child birth & believe she's tough as nails & hard as a turtle shell! Men, do not be deceived any longer! Her strength doesn't change the fact that she is as fragile as a flower! "If you're experiencing the piercing of a thorn there's a chance you've neglected the care that's needed to bring your rose to full bloom! Her delicate make up requires much TLC, just like a rose garden. " Please take time to"smell the roses"(notice the beauty of her)& add some nurturing nutrients every day. Give her a card or short note expressing your love and approval of all she does to bless you! Buy her favorite snack occasionally & hold her hand. Open the car door for her too! "Your care for her is overt- just like attending a garden where weeds grow and need constant attention- so does your wife! I love you Jesus, and thank you for my wonderful wife!” By Dave Croft When it’s all said and done, if you want true breakthrough in any area of your life, it must start with a foundation of God's promises in context with an intimate relationship with Him. I believe you can keep hope alive. It’s your turn for breakthrough. It’s who you are as HIS breaker anointing messenger. Praying for you! In the Vine, Theresa PS Share this with a friend. If you are looking for a jump start to breakthrough for your destiny, be sure to finish or check out my complimentary teaching at