October 7, 2019

Blooming Glory Amidst Your Cracked Story-Podcast 82

A few days ago, as Dave was sharing-ministering to a friend--the Holy Spirit lit my mind up. I went outside to give our buddy dog's a scrap of meat and came upon this picture below.  So this pot was all to pieces yet in the midst was this beautiful rose. I went back inside and snapped my iPad to my bluetooth keyboard and this spilled out. I thought I'd share it with you because many of you may not be following me on Instagram Glory In Your Story Even a cracked pot can have a rose in it blooming with beauty and the scent of heaven.... God takes your wounds which become your scars, a trophy of redemption. God takes the pieces of your shattered heart which becomes a sacred place to Him drawing near. The result is your life blooms with the fragrance of heaven.  God can still take the trespassed abuse and gory stories in your past and turn them into chapters of beauty for ashes in your destiny book. God can take the orphan pity crash and raise up a son...a daughter, secure in their identity. Father. Please help me to see every person through your Heart and be ever ready to disregard the cracks in the pot and call out the rose. To move the dirt and dust in the nuts and bolts of a person’s issues and call forth gold. Thank you Father. It’s from the cracks in my pot, my life, that I get to carry the treasure of YOUR EXTRAordinary brilliance....your glory and not mine. My heart...for you. No need to hide in fear...or wallow in pity...Rise up in your identity..There is glory in your story. YOU ARE HIS MUCH LOVED CHILD. Truly God wants to speak to you this deeply. Maybe you hear Him. Maybe you do not. For more insight, listen to my podcast on i-tunes or spotify. Talk soon. IN the Vine, Theresa