November 22, 2018

Black Friday Special -- Identity To Destiny Project With Podcast #52

A White, er Black Friday Special.....with these thoughts. Someone recently said I was a driven person. I wasn’t sure about that statement because I always want to be sensitive to God’s voice and not so driven that I strive past Him. So I asked Him. And asked again. He seemed to be silent. During this time I kept seeing the color of lime green. So I asked about this. “What does being driven and the color green mean Lord? I know I could go back in my past and see a lot of striving and spinning with no breakthrough. But I honestly was asking God about this statement now in my life. I received answers and it made me think of you. Do you feel driven or being driven out of control by your emotions because….??? Because you want to really know your purpose. Because you are tired of being stuck in the vicious cycle of fear. Because you are sick of walking in the drama of the trauma. Because you know you have a purpose but don’t know where to start. Because you are ready for breakthrough in so many areas of your life…from finances to health to relationships. Because you have a vision and you want to see it through successfully… So I am sorry if you have experienced the agony of being in the fear vortex, feeling like you are not in control, and are being driven by fear instead of purpose. But this is the time of acceleration for you…an unlocking from your prison, whether it’s a prison of your own making or a prison from past emotional pain. This is your time…a new season…a new era. So you can see why I carefully considered the comment on being driven….and then there was that lime green color. Can I share? Well, bit by bit I heard the Lord. First on the color. A friend sent me a definition and it contained energy and increase creativity . So then upon reading a book by Dale Mast I come upon this quote: “To enter into our destiny, it is critical that we passionately pursue and embrace the things God has placed inside of us. Every vision requires unending patience and relentless pursuit. After David embraced the word of the Lord, he had to go back to shepherding the sheep. “David had to continue with the ordinary while entertaining the extraordinary….” Dale Mast from "And David Perceived He Was King" Then it him me. You can be driven in the vein of creativity to help others…. TO ENTER INTO YOUR DESTINY…Developing a skill set and a maturity…A RELENTLESS PURSUIT...And yes driven on behalf of helping others. You may totally get this. I have a white Friday (ok Black Friday) special for you this Friday. And I may seem more relentless than ever before to get this in your hands. It is the complete package to answer your questions and find the breakthrough so you can walk fully in the sweet spot, in your purpose.   It’s The Identity To Destiny Package. Here’s your chance to:
  • Learn what is means to walk in your spirit identity so you can be free of the emotional high-jacks and frustrations.
  • Discover how fear in your life will be squashed by understanding your identity is founded on the truth of God’s love so you can find the key to unlock the dream.
  • Find real steps to breakthrough in your identity which brings healing and you walking free of the trauma of the drama.
  • Easy access 24/7 to the teaching portal so you can watch at your own pace of learning and have a private place to discuss and ask questions.
  • Discover community and support! Be a part of the private FB Kingdom Mentor Academy groups so you can have a community that will believe in you, support you, and will be a real family/friends to you. (Bonus)
  • Learn how to overcome triggers of emotions so you can stay on track in your breakthrough to walking out your destiny.
  • Learn the power of inner unity with your spirit to your soul which results in peace and joy amidst your destiny.
  • Learn the breakthrough in your spirit identity that releases more energy into your life to bring a strong foundation to your calling.
  • Discover how you can balance time with freedom to work what God has put in your purpose, in your very DNA to be an influencer in your field.
So, I'm driven, not by green (money, but by releasing His creativity and revelation and energy to see people like you truly walk in the sweet spot. My special is ….a 50% off this Identity To Destiny Project! Below is the link from the REPLAY Webinar because I know White Friday is coming and you may not be able to book the webinar to watch with the limited schedule before Friday. But this is the replay…Watch when you can…and wait…about 10-15 minutes into the Webinar YOU WILL BE SHOWN the green box that will take you to getting this project at 50% off. Black-White Friday is coming. Bookmark this webinar link now to watch. -------> <-------- Because Friday at midnight it will be gone. Watch here: -----> <------ And wait for the discount link to appear on top of the video. Ready? Yes it is time... It’s time to get over the fear tunnel and get on with walking out what you know is in your heart. You are ready for restoration. You have a purpose as a pioneer, game changer, breaker anointed messenger that has a voice, a book, a business, a song that someone needs to hear. You can use your skills and wealth of knowledge to really impact others and help with finances at home. You are ready to get unstuck and go forward.  Watch here ------> <----- And wait for the discount link to appear above the video and then click ... to get 50% off this package. This Friday only! When it's's over. Talk soon. In the Vine, Theresa PS This Package includes bonuses that are worth over 1,500 dollars with a year access into the Kingdom Mentor Academy online and the private FB group!