October 1, 2015

Biblical Milestones

Recently, I've been encouraged to go over chapters in the Bible that are like Biblical milestones in my life. As I thought back to the past two decades, these chapters jumped out in my mind. Psalm 34. Psalm 37. Psalm 84. Isaiah 54 and 58. John 15. 2 Corinthians 9. I was reading Isaiah 54 again and a rush of memories came back. I was single and needing a deep soul healing. One memory came to me while I was at the beach on a singles retreat. I had gone out into the ocean only to be tripped up by a huge wave and slammed into the sand coming up a tad embarassed with a mouthful of sand. It hurt too. That night God had me camping out in Isaiah 54. He spoke intimately to me with assurance He wanted me and would bring the healing, the husband, and the children at the right time. I remember this verse so well: “O you afflicted one, Tossed with tempest, and not comforted, Behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems, And lay your foundations with sapphires..." Isaiah 54:11 (NKJV) Can you relate? Do you feel storm tossed by the craziness of your circumstances you are facing or the soul pain from mistakes made in times past? Do you have dreams and hopes which you wonder if ever will manifest? God can make sense amidst the madness and the wait. Cling to Him. Find healing in His Word and in His voice (Holy Spirit).  So, amidst the struggle and at times raw pain, know God is working. This is no time to lose hope. He has you and will complete what concerns you. Listen! Do you hear that? It's the lover of your soul, the Vinedresser, speaking to you:
Listen to the Vinedresser,
"I sing over you dear child. Now, I am asking you to sing and to break out into a joyful loud song. I am moving in you for deep healing and real hope. As you remained in my Vineyard, the soil of My Presence is making you ready for more, far more than your wildest dreams or imaginations. Because you have patiently waited even amidst desolate times, this upgrade is upon you.  Get ready. Clear lots of ground in your section of My Vineyard for what I have set for  you. I'm calling you out to take over whole nations and resettle abandoned cities with My Presence. 
"Your time of covert operation in My gifts is bringing in your heart's desire. No need to be afraid or be embarrassed. I will be there for you so you will never come up short. This is your divine design time. Yes child this is for you. Soon you'll forget about the humiliations and shame of your past. Your misery has paved the way for your destiny.  You have clung to the Vine as your Redeemer God. With enormous compassion I'm bringing you back with a faithful love that will never end. "I am rebuilding you with precious jewels as I make your foundation firm in me. You will live in great peace and be secure far from terror. If any should attack don't believe the lie that I sent it. Nothing will come of it. Darkness is as light to me Child. No weapon can hurt you. You will silence every accusing voice raised up against you. Stay here in the Vine. I am your vindication. I will see to it that everything works out for the best. It's who I AM, in the Vine."
Love the Vinedresser
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In The Vine, Theresa