August 11, 2019

Click Here Or On Image Above To Listen To Part 1 and Part 2 or Listen On i-Tunes

Awakening Your Prophetic Voice-Interview With Betsy Jacobs (Part 1) Podcast #76

Nothing makes my heart beat faster than talking about "awakening your prophetic voice." I was blessed to sit down and talk with Betsy Jacobs, Life Coach and author of Awakening Your Prophetic Voice: Calling Forth Your Identity Through Prophetic Encounters with the Holy Spirit One subject in a live Voice Camp which we tackled in part one had to dealing with shame.  Betsy shares how that is the heart of Holy Spirit to see those unchained from shame. We are tackling shame in the Voice Camp this week as I start teaching with a declaration:
"I will rise this day feeling like a much loved daughter/son secure and confident in My Father’s love and embrace. I will not hide. I am living to freely share my voice giving that love to others!"
The House of Wine (home) is where you can hear the voice of God speaking His love over you. He affirms you that you are His much loved daughter. He affirms your identity as He covers you (forgives you), and embraces you with grace. You experience His compassion, His peace and His joy.
Without realizing you can run to the House of Wine and drink His love divine or you can succumb to a life of fear. 
This fear drives you to hide or in self-protection.
Or you try to satisfy needs as an orphan looking for anything or anyone to grab onto for significance or meaning. You end up in unhealthy connections or self protection unable to trust anyone who does not think like you. You get stuck and live frozen in fear.
What if you were not afraid to trust, to become vulnerable, to reach out and touch others, and to let them touch you? 
Fear paralyzes us.
We can know all about the things of God and yet our fear of trusting and of intimacy can hold us back from receiving the benefits of what Jesus died for—to bring restoration and healing in our families and our relationships.
Three fears common to all people...The Cycle of Shame
  1. The fear of rejection
  2. The fear of trusting
  3. The fear of opening up our heart to love
You live your life not knowing the door to the House of Wine is always open and no performance is needed to enter.
What determines what you may choose—the house of wine or outside in the cold and fear. 
How you think God feels about you.
Listen to Betsy Jacobs in this podcast or in the video to be able to win the shame game.
Talk soon!
In the Vine--IN the HOUSE of Wine,
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