Theresa your Vinedresser words and your commitment to teach and train was so timely and of God. He has used you like a water caeen administered to a desert dweller in need of rescue.  

I was in a desert. Led there but nonetheless, wandering along, parched and desperate. Thank you for carrying the water. Thank you for being willing to stop and stoop down to refresh a struggling soul. Thank you for listening to my pain and struggle and for walking alongside. . You have bought and brought the bread and wine.

Julia  Frost

Why You?

You may be worn out....Your emotions are all over the place with the recent events today!
But you know deep down you're  are an Esther, a Debra, a Lydia, an Anna, a Joshua, a Joseph, a David....

I'm calling out a remnant…And You are a essential part of it with your voice. As we look at the struggle, the conflicts, the lies, the control going on ….Out of the darkness…I believe YOUR VOICE will shift atmospheres…As you use your voice in NEW territory...."You are the much needed salt to a world that has lost its appetite for a loving meal at the Father’s table. You are light in a world that thinks darkness is normal and struggles with enmity and strife." 

You want to find the rhythm of His voice? It's time to deal with the inner package, our innerworld in regards to IDENTITY to use our voice in new territory.  "It’s not too late!  You’re still in your prime because your heart is mine." #theVinedresser  Strengthen your voice now to walk in new territory

It’s time to find your voice, share your voice and impact many with your purpose..

Or re-fine you voice…recalibrate and shore up your identity..

An Invitation To Training To Find Your Voice-Use Your Voice

A Six Month (Bonus 7th) Camp To Stop Feeling Like You're Treading Water So You Can Get On With Your Voice! Here are a few of the benefits:


Repair: Your Relationship With God And Others

Easily Step Into Your True Identity with FaceTime With Jesus. 

Since Identity is about your relationship with God...this is the most powerful step so you can walk freely in your identity/voice with declarations.

No more playing the victim and struggle with rejection, doubt and fear. You can draw near, repent, and receive refreshing times with the Lord

Then FORGIVE..those who have trespassed abuse or offended you.  You might need to forgive yourself.

2 Restoration From Past Trauma

You Can Learn How to Win The Shame Game and The Drama of the Trauma

This is where you get to deal with heart issues the right way so you can regain your voice.

The inner package of your heart may have been ravished by trespass abuse causing a shipwreck in your identity. Watch Anna's testimony to the right.

You can get back up and not let that keep you bound. No more self condemnation, afraid of what others think.

Move forward past the shame. Beat the stronghold of rejection.

Be you can totally love and be yourself again!

Listen to Voice Camp member Anna sharing a piece of her healing from trauma


Rebuild:  Finding Your Voice With Declarations

This is the fun step. You go past your fears and step out POWERED  by Declarations!

As you learn to hear God's voice  you are armed with breakthroughs that come from the rest to run mode. You get to find your groove, or be in the Vine-the sweet spot of your destiny. The key is 

You have an unique testimony that can be rebuilt into a powerful voice reflecting His love and compassions.

Rebuild  to speak in new territory.

For me...the rebuild process was a continuation of staying intimate with Him, hearing His Voice...and to got to work (from resting place).

He lead me to the right coaches for the moment in my personal quest with my voice.

There were action I learned imperfect action is better than no action. I learned the power of declarations so as to fight any fears 

And slowly but purposely...the rebuild process came together where I saw alignment with heaven as I walked out my dreams. You can too.

Bonuses To Voice Camp

The Spirit Identity Video Series

Normally $197 a month - Today Only $67 a mnth

Benefits Of Being IN The Redeem Your Voice Camp

Focus Course For Each Month

You get to work at your own pace with special courses for each month of training. Go as fast or slow as you want that fits your schedule.

Community-Private FB Group

Looking for support and new connections?A private Facebook Group is set up to connect and access to Theresa via text.

Including How To Share-Use Your Voice

Helping You Share Your Voice!

This Voice Camp comes with an introduction to how you can share/market your voice and grow your brand with video, podcasting, Instagram, e-book on Amazon and/or Facebook Groups. You pick one and you'll get special instruction how......And remember: "Imperfect Action Is Better Than No Action".. Now is the time for ACTION! 

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