August 21, 2022

First off I want you to know that this is not a correctional word…ok..This is, I pray, and empowering word for you.

Consider this thought: Amidst your journey in finding the true you, finding your voice, you will find it in the core of you spiritually.
It can be like this:
When days get jumbled—lean into the Holy Spirit.
Take an assertive action containing two steps.
  • Encounter Him. Ask for that encounter. Find the encounter. I can’t tell you how exactly you may encounter Him.
For me? I know a simple cup of coffee and saying good morning to Holy Spirit is one place I encounter Him with the Word open on my lap and worship music playing.
  • Let go of any expectations on how you think something or someone should act or turn out. In that encounter you can let go of those expectations because…you are trusting the one your are encountering with that…Jesus. so simple to say just trust Jesus yet so difficult to walk out.
And then….Manage you and your own emotions and be not entangled with someone else’s.
I love that saying that I used to say a lot..”On a good day I do well to manage me.”
Replace false responsibility. You are not meant to carry burdens like other people’s emotions, reactions, decisions or even successes.
I understand that. Like in my life, things have been jumbled and turned upside down. I lost my husband…my best friend, my helper,…my side kick… my financier, and so much more.
So amidst the questions…the issues…the quest for a pivot in not only my personal life but also my visions, dreams and marketplace moves…
So this episode I believe in a way is a pep talk to myself..
Just thinking maybe you can relate so let’s continue..
So I’m talking about staying in your own lane. and finding your voice in the sphere of influence God has set up for you..
I think it’s is simple the thought to BE YOU.  God put a brilliance in you that is meant to shine with all the majesty of God.
It might be in your family, in that job you want, in that NFT you are creating in the wonder world of Web 3.0…
You are set apart to be in your lane and  occupy it  creating a culture of honor, love and Kingdom creativity.
Are you catching it… Do you feel a stir of Holy Spirit saying to you…”Yeah…I created you to shine and be like no other person..”
And let me encourage you: Finding your lane (your voice) and then walking in that path with confidence, I can guarantee you that as you hear Him tell you to move…You can trust Him with every step.
These are probably very familiar words to you. They are my anchor as I continue to walk through this grief journey in the way Holy Spirit has instructed…
Simple this in Proverbs 3:5-6.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths…(your lane, my emphasis).”
He shall direct your paths. He’ll show you the lane you are supposed to be in. You don’t have to work so hard to figure it out with your mind.  Simply acknowledge Him.
By the way that word “acknowledge” is all about relationship with Him.
And Wisdom positions me to acknowledge Him..I give Him the first..
So in all your ways acknowledge Him by experiencing Him in  encountering Him daily.
That encounter with the person of Jesus Christ produces the greatest impact and successes of life.
One warning. Don’t try to be someone you are not. The fake it til you make it doesn’t work.
The best place to find your lane,yes to find your voice, is understanding your spiritual identity as you trust Him and acknowledge Him. Experience Him in who you and WHOSE you are in Christ. (Need help with that? Immerse yourself in Ephesians Chapter 1 and 2)
So stay in your lane friend…
Be you.
I’m going to stay in mine but as I said earlier …I have some pivots coming… I’ll share the journey with you for sure… Because some of these moves may very well interest you…

Learn More How To Find Your Voice, Share Your Voice, Market Your Voice

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