November 10, 2017

Prayer: Taking It To The Throne

Does your heart ever feel like it’s going to burst as you pray for a family member or a dear friend going through so much anguish of the heart? With the passing of a dear friend’s daughter and simply life’s curveballs, I’m learning so much about prayer. It can be so easy to start carrying the weight of your own struggles and those close to you. To top that off, if you have the gift of discerning spirits and don’t manage it well in the spiritual realm, you can feel like a snowball that is going down hill getting bigger and bigger as snow clings to it. Avalanche! Well…just a word picture I see in my mind. Two things that have stood out for me as I intercede amidst friend’s crisis moments is this:
  1. You need to learn to pray from a position of joy and rest. The only way to do that is to realize your heaviness of spirit is a sign you are under the weight of a situation. So throw it back on Jesus’s arms and recalibrate your thoughts with help from the Word
  2. This other key to prayer was actually came from a quote from Oswald Chambers that my mom lovingly sent via an e-mail. Check this quote:
"All your circumstances are in the hand of God, and therefore you don’t ever have to think they are unnatural or unique. Your part in intercessory prayer is not to agonize over how to intercede, but to use the everyday circumstances and people God puts around you by His providence to bring them before His throne, and to allow the Spirit in you the opportunity to intercede for them.” (Bold added) So you can actually pray bringing your family member, friend or situation before HIS throne. Then walk away knowing He has it. I find that prayer becomes a joy as I mentally do this when I intercede. What can happen is Holy Spirit gives you encounters...or your friend's get radical encounters with Papa's love. Just some thoughts for you to ponder. I am sharing a Vinedresser word that will be in Volume 2 of Listen To The Vinedresser: 31 Declarations To Stay Abiding I’m hoping to have it available by December 1, before the Christmas blitz. From Volume 2 In The Vine Declaration: I can take my prayers before the throne room of God. He will never leave me defenseless. Listen to the Vinedresser “Your prayers to Me are more than parachutes with no rip cord jumping out of the plane of your troubling situations. “I hear you beloved. The battles may rage on around you but I will not leave you defenseless. “You abide in an intimate position with Me, in the heavenliness. You are seated with Me, remember? Here you live peacefully as My union with you infuses you with My majestic love and favor. You live powerfully as you trust My explosive propensity flowing in and through you. You come from My place of influence and victory. The Vineyard of your heart in Me is greater than the swamp of the world around you. “Remember beloved, any fight you go thorough is not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and authorities operating in rebellion. They are like the squirm bugs on earth that try to startle you, invading your vineyard (kitchen or living room). Turn the light on…and watch the bug move to a darker place. Spray (speak) to them with your weapon of praying in the Spirit. “So dear Child, rise up and be strong in the strength of all My might that I give to you. Stand firm in the Vineyard. The schemes of the evil one does not confound or surprise Me as it tries to mess up the garden of your heart. I am the Vinedresser. I have My shotgun to take out the foxes of fear. I will watch over the fruit of your heart. “Keep talking to Me, My beloved. Bring your prayers before My throne. Your prayers to Me are resounding in heaven as prophetic declarations to direct your family, your state, your nation. I give you My Words to walk, not as a victim but as a victor. Decree and declare what is your inheritance, the divine design of your times. “You are My conquering warrior. My much loved son. My much loved daughter. It is who you are, in the Vine. “No strive now child. Simply abide.” Love the Vinedresser I love hearing how HIS Words from the Vinedresser help you or impact you. Thank you for sharing here or in an e-mail. I'm praying for you...Yes, I'm taking you before HIS THRONE as I intercede. In the Vine, Theresa PS. Please share this with a you pray.