Listen To the Vinedresser About Pain And Sickness
Sometimes you have to learn through your own pain and sickness.
I have recently shared in my Spirit Identity Series Video/Book how my soul and body reacts to trauma. I hope my candid sharing here might help you as you learn to walk in your spirit identity. (You are a spirit being having a human experience.)
So, recently I had the following events happen:
One night on the way home from school (Bethel Atlanta School of The Supernatural) with Dave driving, we came across a doe crossing over our lane. “Look! Deer!” says Dave!
And then the next thing I know I’m staring into the eyes of a six point buck coming right at me in my front windshield. Dave was amazing, steering clear just in time, as I felt the the Buck’s antlers scrape my side of the little car.
Just to remind you if you didn’t know, Dave and I were just in a wreck this past January, so this feeling was all too familiar. I called 911. Got transferred three times. We eventually went home and a State Patrol came to our home and wrote up a report.
Then, the next morning, I awake to a phone call from Dave who had left early for work.
“Theresa, I’m in a wreck. Gotta call 911.” (By the way, he is ok after this accident)
I got the same kind of call four years ago when Dave was in a massive wreck and God spared his life.
Well, I woke up a morning after Dave’s wreck to excruciating pain with a bladder infection.
You are asking, “What happened?” Right?
I’m learning a lesson. As I talked with Dave, I realized my hyper stressed feelings were not being dealt with and fear brought an ugly affect to my soul.
This verse made me feel like God was holding my heart in Psalm 118.
Psalm 18:18-19 tpt
God showed me the reality of His deep love for me right before Dave’s wreck. At church a precious woman of God had given me a prophetic word written out…at the end it had this verse:
“The Lord your God in your midst,
The Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.”
Zephaniah 3:17 (NKJV
So amidst all this pain, I actually heard ANGELS singing over me. For real, like I heard them.!! It was so awesome as I’ve asked Him to speak to me at night more.
So, I’m not going to let a crash dash my hopes and visions.
No matter the battering of your soul or your body, you always have a healer who helps you walk in health. It matters to Him. You carry great value. He’s all about mending wounds of our soul keeping us away from the drama of the trauma.
The Vinedresser had a word with a declaration that I think is perfect NOW to share.
So here’s a healing declaration:
Declaration: I can walk in soul health and be healed of any infirmity. I am a spirit being who is having a healthy human experience.
Listen to the Vinedresser:
“Do you hear Me singing over you as you lay on your sick bed in pain? I am your healer, dear one and I’m singing songs of sweet revelation in tongues of angels. Lay your heart in My arms. I am an oasis of peace and deliverance of rest for your body and soul.
“Make your declarations on My promises, which are yes and amen, in my Son.
I’m praying for you. Stay abiding amidst the process.
IN the Vine,