A Special Word Just For You

Scroll Below For Theresa

May I Have A Word With You?

Your Voice Matters

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About Another Kind Of Voice Camp

Girl Power Alliance

To impact the world by empowering women to dream bigger and build wealth through kingdom-minded mentoring and leadership.

Colossians 3:23

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Theresa's e-mail with this message

I Miss You

I miss you.

One reason just to write to specifically you is to thank you for being a part of the Redeem Your Voice Camp…and some with our upper level mentorship...and then many of you who met me with a Blueprint Call.

Whether you stayed connected for days or years, it truly was an honor to be with you and share how you have a powerful voice and destiny.

Also, thank you for your amazing support with Dave as he struggled with fire burn, then cancer, the death.

You were and still are my family.

So I ask you. Do you feel at times the pressure of life creates a dark mental fog or the constant demands make your mind reel, or maybe just some days you feel like there is nothing in you...to give out with the pressures in your life.

You might feel so drained or feel it's the same things you seem to be stubbing your foot on.

I get that totally....before and after Dave's passing.

So I know God has heard my cries of my heart.

One of them concerns you. Really. As much as I’d love to fire up the Voice Camp again…I know I can’t. 

I found something even better 

As Pricilla Shirer once said, “Nothing is too far gone that God cannot resurrect. Keep going.”

So I am resurrecting the hope for you to keep finding your voice and impact your sphere of influence with A “Voice Camp” of another kind that has been helping me deal with the deepest pains through Kingdom minded training.

.I have a video shot just for you below (or anyone else invited)....with more of an explanation of what my muddled at time heart is trying to say.

It's a way to stay on the same team...and continue a community joined with a bigger community...of like minded Jesus loving women.So, I share a short video here that I made just for you. Below it will be information where you can find out more or connect with me.

WHAT is it?

Watch above and hear me saying hi and giving you a personal peak.

I won't leave this video up for long so go now!

Be you.

In the Vine,


PS DM me on @theresacroft on Instagram or message on Facebook by clicking her.


The voice on this video to your left is my friend Molly Trotter-Gomez

Co-Founder and Director of Field Development of Girl Power Alliance


.Then e-mail me the time.


Let's Connect Today

Being a part of something like this has captured my heart to leverage more support for you, financially, mentally and emotionally.  More than the Redeem Your Voice Camp, although that served a great purpose.

I see God is doing a new thing and I’m so honored to be a part of it.

I am teaming up with Girl Power Alliance! The mission is to empower women to dream bigger through kingdom-minded mentoring and leadership while creating a passive income helping other women do the same. We believe now is the time that women step into pioneering women’s leadership and create a legacy for their family.

I am looking forward to working with the next group of leaders who are ready to make an impact on their lives with their family, jobs, and financial growth.

Your Voice** Your Dream**Your Destiny

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