Theresa Croft-Marketing Strategist

Hire Theresa Croft to help you go from finding your voice, to sharing your voice, to marketing your voice.

With over 26 years of media experience, Theresa has a proven track record with social media marketing, video marketing, podcasting, email marketing and content creation.

She can strategically plan a path for your sharing your voice in a perfect marketing position as you have an extraordinary for other’s pain point. 

Quick View Of Services:

  • Content Creation Theresa Croft can create for you monthly content creation based on a proven strategy that shares you or your brand’s story which capitulates growth in your pride (culture) and increases conversion. She will do all the posting for you and share the plan of this strategic posting.
  • DIGITAL MEDIA-Video:  Theresa brings her years of being an expert in video producing to your social plan. This also includes digital media such as graphics and other media such as Instagram and/or Pinterest. Let Theresa create the best digital media plan for your company/service to tell your own “story” that your pride loves all the while increasing your reach and engagement.
  • Data Mining: Theresa will do the research for you to find out who your ideal client is. In the process, she will find out where they are currently connecting on social media, and how you can market to them very inexpensively.
  • Facebook Ad Writing– Theresa’s years of training has given proven results in this key feature to really reign online. She can create rapid growth of your highly targeted clients and customers to your Facebook page. This will also help you increase conversions to your products and services. If you have an event, she can map out a launch a campaign to help you sell more seats.
  • Social Media Content Creation- Theresa has over 10 years of creating content on a consistent basis from posts on Instagram, Facebook and Videos on YouTube in addition to her weekly blog posting.
  • ConsultationClues about your Voice, Your Business/Non-profit! Have Theresa share “state of the media” (a video to just your) sharing secrets behind the framework of your media strategy. You will get to see the results and metrics of how you are sharing your voice and your story online. She will also share key facts about your ideal client and the most effective ways to market your product or service to them. 

Hire Theresa Croft to create and propel your social media pages so you can truly go from sharing your voice, to marketing your voic

Past experience includes creating and implementing the social media and email marketing campaign for The Passion Translation helping them to be an online influencer. She also kick started their video marketing as she twice weekly wrote for their online blog.

Passions Of Marketplace

Theresa Croft has had over 26 years in media from radio announcer to the new innovations of Web 3.0 with NFT's

Podcasting Passion

Theresa has created and produced her own podcast going on the fourth year.

Web 3.0 Experience

Theresa has jumped into the world of NFT's and the future down the line. She has experience as a Discord Moderator for NFT yet to be released.

Creating Community Online

Theresa understands how a business/non-profit or personal brand must provide an online experience of community. You potential client knows you, trusts you and will buy/support your brand.