I asked God what word I needed recently.He said get in alignment, in agreement with heaven.What did that mean for me..Well, there were a few major issues that if I tried to write out I'd bore you as much as watching a chess game...that is if you're not into that complex game.Sometime issues can be very complicated, but God always has you come out winning.Why?Because, dear friend, a deep friendship with Holy Spirit can help you through the process of alignment.I share briefly three steps in this podcast. I hope you can listen, subscribe on i-Tunes and hey, share a testimony with me.Talk soon.IN the Vine,TheresaPS My voice camp is closed right now but get on the list and receive a free report on Finding Your Voice.Click here or go to http://TheresaCroft.comPSS Subscribe to my podcast on i-Tunes will you? I love reading your comments and reviews. This helps me secure more great interviews helping you find you voice, share your voice, market your voice.